For Academic Researchers

For Academic Researchers

Coleman, P. (2011) Abortion and mental health: quantitative synthesis and analysis of research published 1995-2009. Br J Psychiatry 199: 180-86.

Coyle, C., V. Rue (2010) Men’s experience of elective abortion: A mixed methods study of loss. Journal of Pastoral Counseling 45: 4-31.

Coyle, C., V. Rue, P. Coleman (2010) Inadequate pre-abortion counseling and decision conflict as predictors of subsequent relationship difficulties and psychological stress in men and women. Traumatology: An International Journal 16(1): 16-30.

Mota, N., M. Burnett, J. Sareen (2010) Associations between abortion, mental disorders, and suicidal behavior in a nationally representative sample. Can J Psychiatry 55: 239-47.

Coleman, P., D. Maxey, M. Spence, C. Nixon (2009) The choice to abort among mothers living under ecologically deprived conditions: predictors and consequences. Int J Ment Health Addiction 7: 405-22.

Coleman, P., C. Coyle, M. Shuping, V. Rue (2008) Induced abortion and anxiety, mood, and substance abuse disorders: Isolating the effects of abortion in the National Comorbidity Survey. Journal of Psychiatric Research 43: 770-6.

Coleman, P., V. Rue, C. Coyle (2009) Induced abortion and intimate relationship quality in the Chicago Health and Social Life Survey. Public Health 123(4): 331-8.

Coleman, P., V. Rue, M. Spence, C. Coyle (2008) Abortion and the sexual lives of men and women: Is casual sexual behavior more appealing and more common after abortion? International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 8: 77-91.

Fergusson, D. (2008) Abortion and mental health. Psychiatr Bull 32: 321-24.

Fergusson, D., L. Horwood, J. Boden (2008) Abortion and mental health disorders: evidence from a 30-year longitudinal study. Br J Psychiatry 193: 444-51.

Pedersen, W. (2008) Abortion and depression: a population-based longitudinal study of young women. Scand J Public Health 36: 424-8.

Taft, A., L. Watson (2008) Depression and termination of pregnancy (induced abortion) in a national cohort of young Australian women: the confounding effect of women’s experience of violence.  BMC Public Health 8: 75.

Coleman, P., V. Rue, C. Coyle, C. Maxey (2007) Induced abortion and child-directed aggression among mothers of maltreated children. Internet Journal of Pediatrics and Neonatology 6(2).

Coleman, P., V.  Rue, M. Spence (2007) Intrapersonal processes and post-abortion relationship challenges: A review and consolidation of relevant literature. Internet Journal of Mental Health 4(2).

Fergusson, D. (2006) Abortion in young women and subsequent mental health. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 47(1): 16-24.

Schiff, M., D. Grossman (2006) Adverse perinatal outcomes and risk of postpartum suicide attempt in Washington State, 1987-2001. Pediatrics 118: e669-75.

Coleman, P. (2005) Induced abortion and increased risk of substance abuse: A review of the evidence. Current Women’s Health Reviews 1: 21-34.

Coleman, P., C. Maxey, V. Rue, C. Coyle (2005) Associations between voluntary and involuntary pregnancy forms of peri-natal loss and maltreatment among low-income mothers. Acta Paediatrica 94(10): 1476-83.

Coleman, P., D. Reardon, J. Cougle (2005) Substance abuse among pregnant women in the context of previous reproductive loss and desire for current pregnancy. Br J Health Psychol 10:255-68.

Coleman, P., D. Reardon, T. Strahan, J. Cougle (2005) The psychology of abortion: A review and suggestions for future research. Psychology and Health 20: 237-71.

Cougle, J., D. Reardon, P. Coleman, V. Rue (2005) Generalized anxiety associated with unintended pregnancy: A cohort study of the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth. J Anxiety Disord 19: 137-42.

Lindahl, V., J. Pearson, L. Colpe (2005) Prevalence of suicidality during pregnancy and the postpartum. Arch Womens Ment Health 8: 77-87.

Reardon, D., P. Coleman, J. Cougle (2004) Substance use associated with prior history of abortion and unintended birth: a national cross sectional cohort study. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse 26: 369–83.

Reardon, D., T. Strahan, J. Thorp, M. Schuping (2004) Deaths associated with abortion compared to childbirth: a review of new and old data and the medical and legal implications. J Contemporary Health Law & Policy 20(2): 279-327.

Rue, V. (2004) Mental health and abortion. Psychiatria Polska 38(3): 225 (abstract).

Rue, V., P. Coleman, J. Cougle, D. Reardon (2004) Induced abortion and traumatic stress: A preliminary comparison of American and Russian women. Medical Science Monitor 10(10): SR5-16.

Bradshaw, Z., P. Slade (2003) The effects of induced abortion on emotional experiences and relationships: A critical review of the literature. Clinical Psychology Review 23: 929-958.

Reardon, D. J. Cougle, V. Rue, F. Scheuren, P. Coleman, P. Ney (2003) Psychiatric admissions of low-income women following abortion and childbirth: A record based study of California Medicaid patients. Canadian Medical Association Journal 168(10): 1253-56.

Cougle, J., D. Reardon, P. Coleman (2003) Depression associated with abortion and childbirth: a long-term analysis of the NLSY cohort. Med Sci Monitor 9(4): CR105-12.

Coleman, P., D. Reardon, V. Rue, J. Cougle (2003) Letter to the Editor. Prior history of induced abortion and substance use during pregnancy. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 189(2): 618.

Reardon, D. (2003) The duty to screen: Clinical, legal and ethical implications of predictive risk factors of post-abortion maladjustment. J of Contemporary Health Law & Policy 20(1): 33-114.

Thorp, J., K. Hartmann, A. Shadigian (2003) Long-term physical and psychological health consequences of induced abortion: Review of the evidence. Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey 58: 67-79.

Coleman, P., D. Reardon, V. Rue, J. Cougle (2002) Prior history of induced abortion and substance use during pregnancy. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 187(6): 1673-78.

Coleman, P., D. Reardon, V. Rue, J. Cougle (2002). State-funded abortions vs. deliveries: A comparison of outpatient mental health claims over four years. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 72(1): 141-52.

Reardon, D., J. Cougle (2002) Depression and unintended pregnancy in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth; a cohort study. BMJ 324: 151-2.

Reardon, D., P. Ney, F. Scheuren, J. Cougle, P. Coleman, T. Strahan (2002) Deaths associated with pregnancy outcome: a record-linkage study of low income women. Southern Medical Journal 95(8): 834-41.

Bailey, P., Z. Bruno, M. Bezerra, J. Queiroz, C. Oliveira, M. Chen-Mok (2001) Adolescent pregnancy 1 year later: the effects of abortion vs. motherhood in Northeast Brazil. J Adolesc Health 29: 223-32.

Coleman, P., D. Reardon, V. Rue (2001) State-funded abortions vs. deliveries: A comparison of outpatient mental health claims over six years. (Abstract) Archives of Women’s Mental Health 3(4): 103.

Cougle, J., D. Reardon, V. Rue, P. Coleman, P. Ney (2001) Psychiatric admissions following abortion and childbirth: A record-based study of 107,883 low-income women. (Abstract) Archives of Women’s Mental Health. 3(4): 47.

Rue, V., L. Shutova (2001) Posttraumatic stress symptoms and elective abortion: A comparison of U.S. and Russian women. (Abstract) Archives of Women’s Mental Health. 3(4): 62.

Bankole, N., V. Rue (1998) Postabortion counselling. British Journal of Sexual Medicine. (January-February) 25-26.

Soderberg, H., L. Janzon, N. Slosberg (1998) Emotional distress following induced abortion: A study of its incidence and determinants among adoptees in Malmo, Sweden. European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology 79: 173-178.

Soderberg, H., C. Anderson, L. Janzon, N. Slosberg (1997) Continued pregnancy among abortion applicants. A study of women having a change of mind. Acta Obstetricia Gynecologica Scandinavia 76: 942-947.

Gissler, M., E. Hemminki, J. Lonnqvist (1996) Suicides after pregnancy in Finland, 1987-94: register linkage study. BMJ 313:1431-34.

Rue, V., C. Tellefsen (1996). The effects of abortion on men. Ethics & Medics 21: 3-4.

Gilchrist, A., P. Hannaford, P. Frank, C Kay (1995) Termination of pregnancy and psychiatric morbidity. Br J Psychiatry 167: 243-48.

Rue, V. (1995) Abortion malpractice: When patient needs and abortion practice collide. AIRVSC Research Bulletin 9(1): 2-5.

Rue, V. (1995). Postabortion syndrome: A variant of posttraumatic stress disorder. In Cosmi, E. & Doherty, P. (Eds.). Postabortion Syndrome: Its Wide Ramifications. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2-21.

Rue, V. (1994). Postabortion Trauma: Controversy, Diagnosis & Defense. Lewisville, TX: Life Dynamics.

Rue, V. (1994). The psychological realities of induced abortion. In Mannion, M. (Ed.). Postabortion Aftermath: A Comprehensive Consideration. Kansas City, MO: Sheed & Ward, 3-43.

Speckhard, A., V. Rue, (1993) Complicated mourning: Dynamics of impacted postabortion grief. Journal of Pre & Peri-Natal Psychology 8(1): 5-32.

Speckhard, A., V. Rue (1992) Postabortion syndrome: An emerging public health concern. Journal of Social Issues 48: 95-120. Reprinted in Slife, B. (Ed.)  (1993 & 1998). Clashing Views on Controversial Psychological Issues. 8th & 9th ed., Guilford, CT: Dushkin McGraw Hill; Critical Thinking in Sociology, Internet Book Series, Guilford, CT: Dushkin (1996).

Zolese, G., C. Blacker (1992) The psychological complications of therapeutic abortion. Br J of Psychiatry 160: 742-49.

Appleby, L. (1991) Suicide during pregnancy and in the first postnatal year. BMJ 302: 137-40.

Rue, V., A. Speckhard (1991) Informed consent & abortion: Issues in medicine & counseling. Medicine & Mind 6(1): 75-95.

Rue, V., A. Speckhard (1991) Postabortion trauma: Incidence & diagnostic considerations Medicine & Mind 6(1): 57-75.

Rue, V. et al. (1987) The psychological aftermath of abortion: A white paper. Office of the Surgeon General: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Washington, D.C.

Rue, V. (1986) Forgotten Fathers: Men & Abortion. (pamphlet). Toronto: Life Cycle Books.

Rue, V. (1985) Death by design of the handicapped newborn: The family’s role & response. Issues in Law & Medicine 1(3): 201-227.

Rue, V. (1985) Postabortion: Response and reconciliation. In B. Kennedy, P. Hanley, R. Glasow (eds.) Abortion Information for Classroom Teachers. Washington, D.C. NRL Education Trust.

Rue, V. (1985) Abortion in relationship context. International Review of Natural Family Planning. 9(2): 95-121.

Rue, V., D. Johnson (1987) The bulimic dental patient: recognition and recommendations. Dental Hygiene 59(8): 372-77, Reprinted in (1987) British Dental Health 26(2): 3-5.

Rue, V. (1984) Abortion: A crisis to be shared. In D. Andrusko (ed.) To Rescue the Future. Washington, D.C.: Life Cycle Publishing.

Rue, V. (1983) Relational Aspects of Induced Abortion. Testimony presented before the House Subcommittee on Health and the Environment, U.S. House of Representatives, Special Hearing. Los Angeles.

Rue, V. (1981) Abortion and Family Relations. Hearing before the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Senate Judiciary Committee, United States Senate, Ninety-Seventh Congress, Washington, D.C.

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